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Dr. Steven B.
"This is the future of anti-aging"
"I always knew about the health benefits of hydrogen-rich water. But until now, you could only get it from a natural source. So naturally, I was skeptical when a colleague recommended H2Next. That has changed. I love the boost in energy. I’m predicting this will be in every household in 5-10 years. It’s the future of anti-aging. "
Dr. Steven B. | Anti-Aging Researcher
Hydrogen-rich water is a powerful antioxidant. It neutralizes harmful free radicals that contribute to aging and other health issues.
However, molecular hydrogen is not found in regular bottled water. Until recently, you could only get it from a natural source. Luckily, that has changed.
H2Next’s patented SPE technology uses electrolysis to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen bubbles then charge the water, flooding it with healthy antioxidants.
That means every sip from this bottle protects your cells from damage and slows down aging and disease.
H2Next turns regular tap water into your “fountain of youth”, slowing down aging and disease
Patented SPE-technology
It splits water into hydrogen and oxygen gas with the press of a button
No harmful chemicals
H2Next water enhances your well-being without harmful side effects
Easy to clean
H2Next can easily be disassembled and cleaned with soap and water
Dishwasher Safe
Just remove the glass from the base and lid and place it in your dishwasher
Made from Gorilla Glass
Making it extremely durable and free of harmful microplastics
Works for weeks without charging
So you can enjoy the benefits of healthy, hydrogen-rich water for a long time
Fill your H2Next with regular tap water
Close the lid and press the button
Wait 5 minutes and enjoy healthy, antioxidant-rich water
Fill your H2Next with regular tap water
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